all images c. randi anderson 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Owls- What A Hoot!

I came to the realization the other day, and it was much like the strawberry realization in nature, that I have something of an owl fetish, too. It all began when I bought this T-shirt at Target for fall with an owl on it:
And when I brought it home I tossed it over a chair in my bedroom right next to this night owl nightshirt:
Which led me to examine the rest of my house for owl items...and I found quite a few!
This photo (which I titled "Angry Owl Planter" because he just looked so frustrated...)is one I took while visiting Josh's grandparents in Pennsylvania. The little town they live in is a goldmine of unique yard art!
And, finally, this little owl plaque is something I made for the artsy autumn swap! Now, I expect owls to find their way into more of my art this fall!
Oh, and here's a tidbit of trivia for you...did you know that a group of owls is called a parliament? I love that- a parliament of owls. Need more fodder for intriguing owl conversations? Visit the owl pages and you can research everything from owl art, owl mythology, and owl physiology to owl shopping and species.


sweetly, happily, and artfully yours,


P.S. In answer to my homage to owls, I got this poem and accompanying pics from my friend, Corey, who also likes owls, and has this awesome retro, oh-so-kitschy-its-cool golden owl in his apartment. Here's the infamous owl and his eloquent homage to it.

Golden and beady eyed
Sitting low and perched
On a wooden limb
You pretend to be an owl.
And your eyes are huge and orange
With black pupils dotted with white
And your sculpted feathers
Are of retro gold
But you show no sign of remorse.
Someone, some time ago
Decided to create a lie
And you were born and still are here
Unable, as always, to fly.

c. jcw 2008


Corey Whaley said...

Now I'm officially part of the blogosphere...and I couldn't think of a better way.


Deb said...

How about a "murder of crows"! huh?! Gotta love that one, don't ja?